Release notes

The 1.0 release of django-registration represents a complete rewrite of the previous codebase. For information on upgrading, consult the upgrade guide.

The backend system

The largest overall change is that in place of the monolithic backend classes and function-based views found in django-registration 0.8, in 1.0 all views are class-based. A “backend” now consists of, typically, one or two subclasses of the built-in base views.

Implementing these as class-based views allows for far simpler configuration and customization, without the overhead involved in supporting large numbers of optional keyword arguments to function-based views, or the need to provide a separate class-based infrastructure for implementing the logic of registration.

Notably, this implementation is also completely backwards-compatible for users of django-registration 0.8 who simply used the recommended default URLConf for one of the supplied backends; those URLConfs exist in the same locations, and have been rewritten to point to the appropriate class-based views with the appropriate options.