Registration views

In order to allow users to register using whatever workflow is implemented by the registration backend in use, django-registration provides two views. Both are designed to allow easy configurability without writing or rewriting view code.

registration.views.activate(request, backend[, template_name[, success_url[, extra_context[, **kwargs]]]])

Activate a user’s account, for workflows which require a separate activation step.

The actual activation of the account will be delegated to the backend specified by the backend keyword argument; the backend’s activate() method will be called, passing the HttpRequest and any keyword arguments captured from the URL, and will be assumed to return a User if activation was successful, or a value which evaluates to False in boolean context if not.

Upon successful activation, the backend’s post_activation_redirect() method will be called, passing the HttpRequest and the activated User to determine the URL to redirect the user to. To override this, pass the argument success_url (see below).

On unsuccessful activation, will render the template registration/activate.html to display an error message; to override thise, pass the argument template_name (see below).


The context will be populated from the keyword arguments captured in the URL. This view uses RequestContext, so variables populated by context processors will also be present in the context.

  • backend (string) – The dotted Python path to the backend class to use.
  • extra_context (dict) – Optionally, variables to add to the template context. Any callable object in this dictionary will be called to produce the final result which appears in the context.
  • template_name (string) – Optional. A custom template name to use. If not specified, this will default to registration/activate.html.
  • **kwargs

    Any keyword arguments captured from the URL, such as an activation key, which will be passed to the backend’s activate() method.

registration.views.register(request, backend[, success_url[, form_class[, disallowed_url[, template_name[, extra_context]]]]])

Allow a new user to register an account.

The actual registration of the account will be delegated to the backend specified by the backend keyword argument. The backend is used as follows:

  1. The backend’s registration_allowed() method will be called, passing the HttpRequest, to determine whether registration of an account is to be allowed; if not, a redirect is issued to a page indicating that registration is not permitted.
  2. The form to use for account registration will be obtained by calling the backend’s get_form_class() method, passing the HttpRequest. To override this, pass the keyword argument form_class.
  3. If valid, the form’s cleaned_data will be passed (as keyword arguments, and along with the HttpRequest) to the backend’s register() method, which should return a User object representing the new account.
  4. Upon successful registration, the backend’s post_registration_redirect() method will be called, passing the HttpRequest and the new User, to determine the URL to redirect to. To override this, pass the keyword argument success_url.


The form instance being used to collect registration data.

This view uses RequestContext, so variables populated by context processors will also be present in the context.

  • backend (string) – The dotted Python path to the backend class to use.
  • disallowed_url (string) – The URL to redirect to if registration is not permitted (e.g., if registration is closed). This should be a string suitable for passing as the to argument to Django’s “redirect” shortcut. If not specified, this will default to registration_disallowed.
  • extra_context (dict) – Optionally, variables to add to the template context. Any callable object in this dictionary will be called to produce the final result which appears in the context.
  • form_class (subclass of django.forms.Form) – The form class to use for registration; this should be some subclass of django.forms.Form. If not specified, the backend’s get_form_class() method will be called to obtain the form class.
  • success_url (string) –

    The URL to redirect to after successful registration. This should be a string suitable for passing as the to argument to Django’s “redirect” shortcut. If not specified, the backend’s post_registration_redirect() method will be called to obtain the URL.

  • template_name (string) – Optional. A custom template name to use. If not specified, this will default to registration/registration_form.html.