Base view classes

In order to allow the utmost flexibility in customizing and supporting different workflows, django-registration makes use of Django’s support for class-based views. Included in django-registration are two base classes which can be subclassed to implement whatever workflow is required.

The built-in workflows in django-registration provide their own subclasses of these views, and the documentation for those workflows will indicate customization points specific to those subclasses. The following reference covers useful attributes and methods of the base classes, for use in writing your own custom subclasses.

class registration.views.RegistrationView

A subclass of Django’s FormView, which provides the infrastructure for supporting user registration.

Since it’s a subclass of FormView, RegistrationView has all the usual attributes and methods you can override.

When writing your own subclass, one method is required:


Implement your registration logic here. form will be the (already-validated) form filled out by the user during the registration process (i.e., a valid instance of registration.forms.RegistrationForm or a subclass of it).

This method should return the newly-registered user instance, and should send the signal registration.signals.user_registered. Note that this is not automatically done for you when writing your own custom subclass, so you must send this signal manually.

Useful optional places to override or customize on a RegistrationView subclass are:


The URL to redirect to when registration is disallowed. Should be a string name of a URL pattern. Default value is "registration_disallowed".


The form class to use for user registration. Can be overridden on a per-request basis (see below). Should be the actual class object; by default, this class is registration.forms.RegistrationForm.


The URL to redirect to after successful registration. A string containing a (relative) URL, or a string name of a URL pattern, or a 3-tuple of arguments suitable for passing to Django’s redirect shortcut. Can be overridden on a per-request basis (see below). Default value is None, so that per-request customization is used instead.


The template to use for user registration. Should be a string. Default value is registration/registration_form.html.


Select a form class to use on a per-request basis. If not overridden, will use form_class. Should be the actual class object.


Return a URL to redirect to after successful registration, on a per-request or per-user basis. If not overridden, will use success_url. Should return a string containing a (relative) URL, or a string name of a URL pattern, or a 3-tuple of arguments suitable for passing to Django’s redirect shortcut.

Should return a boolean indicating whether user registration is allowed, either in general or for this specific request.


Implementing form_invalid()

To work around a potential performance issue in Django 1.9, RegistrationView implements the form_invalid() method. If you choose to override form_invalid() in a subclass of RegistrationView, be sure to read the implementation and comments in the source code of django-registration first. Note that Django 1.9.1, once released, will not be affected by this bug.

class registration.views.ActivationView

A subclass of Django’s TemplateView which provides support for a separate account-activation step, in workflows which require that.

One method is required:

activate(*args, **kwargs)

Implement your activation logic here. You are free to configure your URL patterns to pass any set of positional or keyword arguments to ActivationView, and they will in turn be passed to this method.

This method should return the newly-activated user instance (if activation was successful), or boolean False if activation was not successful.

Useful places to override or customize on an ActivationView subclass are:


The template to use for user activation. Should be a string. Default value is registration/activate.html.


Return a URL to redirect to after successful registration, on a per-request or per-user basis. If not overridden, will use success_url. Should return a string containing a (relative) URL, or a string name of a URL pattern, or a 3-tuple of arguments suitable for passing to Django’s redirect shortcut.